Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Challenge: How Can You Become Your Best Self Now?

Challenge: How Can You Become Your Best Self Now?

written by Morgan Field March 1, 2019
Become Your Best Self Now

Recently, I recorded a video from Austin, Texas, where I was working with one of my clients. I talk about returning to my room to find a little goodie bag from the hotel.

It got me thinking …

Being Our Best Selves

We come to the table as our best selves at the beginning of so many things.

When we start a brand new relationship, we really woo the person and we put a lot of energy and work into it. When we take the dive into working out, we really go fully into it when we have a goal for our body. We think hard about nourishing our bodies in a way that will give us optimal results physically. We customize our workouts and make sure we’re investing in ourselves and going to the gym or the yoga studio. Watch Video 

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