Home Pride LifeLGBT Life Partner Relationship Feed Your LGBTQ Relationship: Keep It Nourished and Strong

Feed Your LGBTQ Relationship: Keep It Nourished and Strong

written by Adam Blum July 31, 2020
Feed Your LGBTQ Relationship: Keep It Nourished and Strong

Adam Blum offers advice to keep your LGBTQ relationship strong past the honeymoon phase. He recommends ways for you to feed your relationship to keep it nourished and strong. 

The beginning of an LGBTQ relationship, during the “in love” stage, is delicious. We feel euphoric. We enter into the intoxicating feeling that we are “at one” with another person.

However, according to long-range studies, the romantic obsession stage only lasts an average of about two years.

Then what?

The first romantic stage happens by instinct. The second, longer stage of relationships, takes some effort.

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