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More Ways to Stop Procrastination

Stop Putting Things Off: Part Two

written by Ray Williams August 6, 2019
More Ways to Stop Procrastination

Looking for ways to stop your procrastination and start getting things done?

Previously, we acknowledged that most of us have procrastinated about something at some time, while habitual procrastinators repeatedly avoid doing things and actively look for distractions. We also established why procrastination occurs, as well as some basics for what to do about it.  Here, we delve deeper into more ways to stop procrastination.

Other Suggestions to Help Overcome Procrastination

Take planned and frequent breaks.

According to MIT Sloan Senior Lecturer Bob Pozen, author of the bestselling book Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours, taking regular timeouts can help you refresh your focus and get more done. In a recent Fast Company article, Pozen says that the question to ask is not how many breaks you should take in a day, but “what is the appropriate time period of concentrated work you can do before taking break?” According to Stephanie Vozza’s observations: “Pozen suggests taking a [time-out] every 75 [to] 90 minutes. [He comes to this duration based on studies of] professional musicians, who are most productive when they practice for this amount of time [in a single sitting.]” In addition, research by Tony Schwartz, author of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, shows that humans naturally move from full focus and energy to physiological fatigue every 90 minutes. To help you could the Pomodoro Time Tracker. It is a great tool to help you take breaks at set intervals.

Reward yourself.
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