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The Best Things in Life

Moving Toward Purpose

written by Jeanette Schneider November 29, 2019
The Best Things in Life

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

It is a question that continues to surface. I’ve answered it a thousand times, yet, again and again, when life seems difficult, it arises: I’ve included it in my book as a guidepost when understanding self and offer it as same in workshops I’ve facilitated.

Yet, here I am again, ruminating the same question.

At first, and much like most parents, I immediately answered, “My daughter,” when I thought about the best events or experiences in my life.

My Daughter

Becoming Olivia’s mother has been the best, albeit hardest, thing I’ve ever done. This little person made me a mother and a much better woman. I am calmer, more insightful, and conscious of the being I’m gifting to the world. When once asked what my job is, she told her teacher, “My mom is my guide and protector.”

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