Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHealthy Relationship A Better Us: Relationship Resolutions for This Year

A Better Us: Relationship Resolutions for This Year

written by Kristen Rocco March 1, 2019
relationship resolutions

Every year, I sit down with pen in hand to jot down some thoughts on how to strengthen my marriage in the coming year. Call them relationship resolutions, if you will, and this year, I took my inspiration from an article I read about a married couple who have been wed for 75 years. Their marriage advice is easy to execute and if it works for them after 75 years, I figured it would build some powerful habits for my relationship. Perhaps you will find some inspiration for yours here, as well.

1. Always kiss goodnight

 This seems too simple to be true. And, well, it is. That’s why it’s such a great one! As much as we have our best intentions of putting our partner first, sometimes our days get consumed with chores, errands, and work. It’s possible that right before bed is the only chance that day we get to connect with our partner and let him or her know that he or she is number one.

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