As we go through our life’s journey, we all have experiences that have helped to shape who we are now. When you think about it, we are nothing more than a sum of the experiences that we have gone through. Not all those experiences were good. Let’s face it! We’ve all had our share of negative experiences. Most of the time, we are quick to overlook the bad experiences in our lives and focus most of our attention on the good ones. Leaders, just like everyone else, have negative experiences or tough times that they go through. Good leaders understand that negative experiences are just as powerful and impactful to the growth of an individual, if not more than positive ones. The key to such growth lies in the ability of every individual to manage their bad experiences.
Bad Experiences Are Good for Growth

L Wayne Smalls
Wayne is a certified leadership trainer and coach who specializes in helping organizations as well as individuals to reach their fullest potential. His goal is to empower, enable, and enhance leaders all over the world to grow and increase their levels of influence.