Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation I Choose Me
I Choose Me

I have lost quite a few friends over the course of the last few years and some were by choice. For most, it was simply that I had grown in a different direction than they had and suddenly we didn’t have a whole lot to talk about anymore. It seems life sometimes unhinges you, resets you, and when you rise from the ashes you look around and things look and smell a little different than they did before. You don’t have as much in common anymore, conversations are disjointed. You break up quietly. You just don’t talk as much and you don’t label it. The voices are softer, sweeter, and suddenly take on a more formal tone than they did when you were so close you could start a conversation through text five sentences in – and they got it because they got you. Now the texts start with formalities like, “Hi,” and “How are you? I miss you.”

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