If I had a crystal ball, I’d say your dream is probably one of finding a good man to share your life with. To make it happen you get out there and date. One day, he shows up either online or in real life and it turns out he just might have that long-term relationship potential you’ve been looking for. But then you get scared and start second-guessing yourself with questions like “How do I know if he’s a good man for me?” Let me put your mind at ease. Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself that will quickly help you decide whether or not he’s good for you.
Is He Mr. Right?
These 5 Questions Will Let You Know!

Lisa Copeland
Lisa Copeland is known as the expert on over 50's dating. She's an Amazon Best-Selling Author of The Winning Dating Formula For Women Over 50 and a regular Huffington Post contributor. Her passion is teaching women how to feel loveable and empowered as they travel the journey of finding love with the right man after 50. She has a free gift she'd like to give you . . . The 5 Little Known Secrets to Finding A Quality Man Over 50. You can claim your free gift at www.FindAQualityMan.com.