Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Leveraging the Power of Creation to Manifest Your Goals

Leveraging the Power of Creation to Manifest Your Goals

written by Dina Marais November 20, 2020
Leveraging the Power of Creation to Manifest Your Goals

The ability to leverage the Power of Creation to manifest your goals is an art and a skill worth mastering, would you agree? Say you have a big business or life goal that you want to manifest that you can take through this process.

But even before we start, have you taken a step back and appreciate how awesome it is? That you want to create something new? Creating something new starts in your mind. Everything is created twice. First in your mind and then in the physical world.

What an amazing power to leverage. Your imagination. How far can you think? How big can you think? How do you train yourself to think bigger?

Wanting to create something new or different is what we are here for because that is how Source expresses itself through us. That is why all the desires you have, all the ideas you have or receive, are Divinely Inspired.

The Truth

We are not able to think of something if we didn’t have the capability to create or achieve it. If that is the truth, then I cannot help wondering, why the hell do I make it so difficult for myself and how can I shift to make it easier? Can you relate?

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