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Read This The Next Time Life Has You Consumed in Darkness

Copy it, Save it, and Re-read it

written by Morgan Field March 20, 2019
Read This The Next Time Life Has You Consumed in Darkness

Fair warning – you may cry… I did! The next time that life has you consumed in darkness, read this post. Copy it, save it, and re-read it, over and over. This woman is a fierce soul who chooses a very powerful paradigm of which to view life through. Next time you are consumed in darkness, ask yourself: “What is a more empowering paradigm that I can choose to view life through in this moment?” and then try that on for size. And if you need to borrow some ideas for strength…just read this epic, sexy soul’s story.

Happy St. Patrick’s day to all!

This day marks an anniversary for me. Four years ago today, I got the official news that I would have to fight for my life that I felt had only just begun. My beautiful Inara had just turned one in February. We had a wedding to plan and set a date for, a place of our own to look for and things were coming together. But life seems to always be keeping me on my toes. On this day, four years ago, I was officially told that the lump on the side of my neck was not a painless, swollen tonsil, and unfortunately, all the weight I thought was just falling off of me was not because I had been chasing around a very active one-year old every day. The night sweats that soaked the sheets and bed every night was not because it was way too hot in the bedroom at night, and I was not becoming addicted and unable to function with out coffee every hour just to stay awake because life was just crazy busy. All this was the result of my body, being the amazing machine that it is, using everything that it had to fight and get rid of this cancer. Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 2b is what I was officially diagnosed with.

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