Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit Your Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Your Journey to Spiritual Awakening

written by Laura Saltman October 9, 2019
Your Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Whether you know it or not (or believe it), you are a spiritual being having a human experience. The soul that lives inside of you is ultimately the caretaker of your body, and the thoughts you think together as body/mind/soul are creating the life you see.

If you told me this four years ago, I might have looked at you like you had ten heads. If you told me this three years ago, I may have understood the part about having a soul but nothing else. If you told me this two years ago, I would have agreed with you but still have been skeptical. If you told me this today, I would know what you meant one-hundred percent.

Though I have been studying spiritual principles from other teachers like Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, and Esther Hicks for the last three-plus years, it wasn’t until I wrote my own books (as a rapid inner dictation), The All of Everything, The All of the All, and The All That Is, that I truly recognized the truth.

The student became the teacher.
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