Home The Ultimate RelationshipFitness Journey into Diet La La Land

Journey into Diet La La Land

Part Two

written by Ella Magers November 12, 2019
Journey into Diet La La Land

The second part of my journey started in my college years. This is where the diet mentality really kicked in and my disordered eating started to snowball out of control.

Journey into Dieting

[If you haven’t read Part One of my multi-part From Disordered Eating to Empowered Living series, I invite you to start there.]

During my senior year in college at UNC-Wilmington, I became addicted to exercise and ephedra. What a combo! I would take “Diet Fuel” pills and get all my studying done while doing cardio at the local Gold’s Gym.

It was at that gym that I met my later-to-be fiance. Unlike the other boyfriends I had during college, Brent had his shit together. He was several years older than me and owned a gym consulting company. When I graduated, I started working with Brent. Life and gym became synonymous. We would travel to different gyms for three months at a time doing consulting work and membership drives.

Having an awesome body is the best advertising for anyone working in the fitness industry. Knowing that, I started taking my workouts to the next level. As my workouts became more intense, I started experimenting with my food intake.

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