Home Family & SocietyDivorce Life After a Breakup

Life After a Breakup

written by Dr. Eva Bell May 8, 2019
Life After a Breakup

A woman was brought to the Emergency Department of a hospital with symptoms of a heart attack. She complained of chest pain, breathlessness and excessive sweating. Investigations showed that it was not a heart attack but rather a “Broken Heart Syndrome” due to a surge of stress hormones like adrenaline, after her husband announced that he was leaving her. She recovered with medication and counseling.

A number of women feel relieved, liberated, and happy to be free of a stifling or addictive relationship. Women realize they can walk out of a bad marriage, especially if they are economically independent. Today, there is no stigma attached to divorce. However, most women feel devastated, confused and betrayed. Some sink into depression, and, in extreme cases, may even show suicidal tendencies. The reactions to a breakup are similar to what one experiences after bereavement. There is shock, denial, anger, depression and finally, acceptance.

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