Home The Ultimate RelationshipBusiness & Leadership The Real Skills Needed for a Successful Career

The Real Skills Needed for a Successful Career

Part Two

written by Sarah Williams July 26, 2019
Skills for a Successful Care

How to Develop Real Skills

1) Keep your inner child close:

Remember how you dreamed of becoming a superhero, a firefighter, or an astronaut in childhood?

You believed you could do anything because you didn’t have the limits you have now; the limits that came up because of different stereotypes and tags people put on each other in adulthood.

2) Trick your memory:

As humans, it’s much easier, for some reason, to remember epic fails rather than examples of success.

So, why don’t you try and keep only good memories close to heart and mind, huh?

3) Talk to yourself:

Not out loud – you may seem a little loco (but you can if you want, of course, and it doesn’t matter what others will think). Positive self-talk can motivate, encourage, and even help you overcome fears.

4) Stay curious:
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